Slate - Mobile AirDesk
I backed, and later received the Slate – Mobile AirDesk via a Kickstarter project. From a freelancing point of view, time-to-time I enjoy working from other areas of my house, than just my office. This is especially true first thing in the morning where I like to be in a room where I can enjoy the morning sunshine pouring in, which unfortunately my office doesn’t get being a north facing room. I saw the Slate as an opportunity to be able to work anywhere in comfort. The limitation with using a laptop on your lap is you can’t use it with the mouse, I know that’s what the trackpad is for, sometimes you just need the precision of a mouse to be more productive.

The Slate is a beautifully designed piece of kit. It’s cut from a block of pure, premium bamboo. It's ultra lightweight, super strong, and absorbs the heat from my Macbook. A mouse pad is installed and sits flush against the surface of the Slate; the quality of the mousepad could be better. The Mobile AirDesk also includes a display dock which is made to fit an iPhone or iPad Mini, I’ve even managed to get my chunky Windows Phone in there.

You can get the Slate: Mobile AirDesk from iSkelter in three different mousepad colours and there’s a lefty version as well.
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Posted on 03 February 2014 in Freelance