The Brief
The Great Britain-China Centre who are based in London required a redesign and restructure to their website. The new website needed to attract corporate donors via a clean and clear presentation, as well as present convincing evidence of their project successes.
The Process
We began with a Research & Discovery phase, looking in-depth at GBCCs requirements. We began by reviewing other websites which had similar content requirements, such as University and Government informative sites. We carefully considered how we could have a corporate website which wasn't dull, but wasn't too 'over designed' that took anything away from the clear presentation goals of the website.
For each type of page the content requirements were fully discussed, and wireframes were produced for key pages where layout requirements benefitted from a visual aid. Once these were agreed full design visuals were completed for these different page types.

A selection of design visuals created for GBCC within SketchApp
Once the design phase of the project was approved I began the build of the website powered by a content management system. GBCC required a few interesting features for their site, such as the ability to highlight certain news and event articles, relate projects to news and vice versa, and the inclusion of a micro Chinese version of the website. These Chinese language pages were very simple in design and implementation, so they would function in olders browsers which still have a good percentage share in China.
The Result